Wednesday 15 July 2009


By our chief scientific writer, Jimothy Timmington.

The exploding mice debate rages on, however, it is believed that scientists have at last perfected an explosion-proof rodent from their laboratory in Milford Haven.

Acting without a thought for their own safety, doctors have been working round the clock in very dangerous conditions, in a desperate bid to guarantee the safety of a worried public.

It appears that a cure may now be literally hours away, as the world holds its breath and awaits the results of what, if successful, could potentially be the saviour of mankind.

'We can only pray' said a prominent vicar yesterday, and a politician, who cannot be named for legal reasons, also got his name in the limelight when he added 'These are troubling times. Only when a remedy is found, fully tested and proven successful, can we begin to rebuild a better Britain and move forward together.' He then went off to fiddle his taxes.

A spokesman for some institute or other commented 'Exploding mice? Who ever heard of such rubbish?' He was last seen entering the top secret laboratory and minutes later, his screams could be heard as his body was blown 200 feet into the air.

'We do not want to create a widespread panic' said Normandy veteran Donal O'Donalduck 'This is obviously a very dangerous situation. We shall just have to wait and see what the test results show'.

Somebody else who we couldn't contact was unavailable for comment. Those we did contact said something entirely different in the interview, so we made this crap up because it sounded better.

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